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Wipe costs off your energy bills!

Oct 6, 2024

3 min read

Couple discussing energy bills

At Haynes Electrical Contractors, we go the extra mile to help our clients reduce energy costs by offering tailored energy-efficient solutions, from solar installations to smart home technology, ensuring long-term savings on every bill.

So, what can you do right now to save money in your home?

Small steps. Cheap or no-cost tweaks around the home to reduce your annual energy costs.

Heating and cooling

  • Set your temperatures for efficiency:

    • heating 18-20°C

    • cooling 25-27°C (a fan will also cool you down)

  • If you have an energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioner, use this to heat your home over gas heating.

  • Each degree of heating in winter or cooling in summer increases energy consumption by up to 10%.

  • Only heat rooms you are using and turn off heating in empty rooms. Close doors to reduce the area you need to heat.

  • In winter, when the sun goes down, close your curtains and blinds to keep heat in.

  • If you have evaporative cooling, keep your windows open. This also avoids any extra dampness inside.

  • Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings. Use weatherstripping and caulking to prevent drafts. Check for gaps around pipes, vents, and electrical outlets.

  • Turn off your heater or air conditioner when you leave home or go to bed.

Australian energy bill

Hot water

  • Set the hot water temperature to 50°C on a continuous flow hot water system or 60°C on a hot water storage system.

  • Reduce your hot water use by using a water-saving shower head.


  • Research energy-efficient replacements for when you need to replace household appliances, for example, an energy efficient fridge.

  • Check the seals on your fridge and oven door to ensure there are no gaps or cracks.

  • Set your fridge to 3°C and your freezer between -15 and -18°C, for greatest efficiency.

  • Defrost frozen food in the fridge overnight to avoid using the microwave. The thawing food also saves energy by keeping your fridge cool.

  • Use a slow cooker, air fryer or microwave. Small appliances use much less energy than an electric oven.

  • Avoid opening the oven door when cooking to retain the most heat.

  • Boil water in an electric kettle rather than on the stove.

  • Only turn on a second fridge or freezer when you need it.

  • Switch your devices to energy-saving mode to conserve energy while working.

  • Use economy mode on your dishwasher and only run it when it’s full.

  • Switch appliances off at the wall when not in use.

Lighting and laundry

  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. LEDs use at least 75% less energy than halogen bulbs and last up to 25 times longer.

  • Use a lamp instead of overhead lighting if you only need a small amount of light.

  • Switch off lights when you leave a room.

  • Wash laundry in cold water and use a short cycle. Only do the laundry when the washing machine is full.

  • Avoid using a clothes dryer. Hang clothes outside to dry or use a clothes airer and a fan.

Energy usage tools

  • Use the Victorian Government’s free and independent energy price comparison tool to find the best deal.

For more information, download the Australian Government Energy Saver Guide.

Our energy-saving experts at Haynes Electrical Contractors are here to help guide you through our energy-saving services and products.

Find out more today - call the team on 0430 945 864 and we will help walk you through the options.

Couple looking at expensive bills

Oct 6, 2024

3 min read

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